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Efficient data systems depend upon controlled input, efficient storage and flexible output. Input may depend upon individual users either typing directly or using electronic means such as scanning, or upon automated data transfer from another system. In either case, the system must capture the input correctly and transform it for efficiency in storage. At Graphic Data Design, this process is seen as the key to a sound database system. It is here where the greatest effort at customizing the system must take place, for the users will accept a new system enthusiastically only when it obviously helps them get their work done right.

In an age such as now when systems are in flux, output options can only grow. Printed reports, screen queries, electronic data files and Web sites must all be considered for a modern data system. Each type requires a different sort of optimization from the others, and must be considered separately when designing or modifying the data system. The complete solution—an efficient data system—addresses all of these considerations and balances the requirements against the money and time available to do the job. A clear payback in the form of greatly increased efficiency or savings in time will often make the case for a new system design.


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